Went out to Gurney with my cousin, Arina. Well the last time I met her, last year's Cicakman2 shooting. Yeah, ages ago.
Watched, The Day The Earth Stood Still. From the trailer on tv, the movie looked amazing. But , once we saw it in the big screen. Well, quite dissapointing. I only enjoyed the power part though. Hella cool.
My cousin, Arina. She cracks me up all the time.
Had our lunch at the food court. It was all her idea, craving for claypot food. Got a text message that my sis Jesz, will be seeing me in a bit.
We chilled at starbucks.
Walked the every floors & doing silly stuff and it was really fun. Was suppose to bump into Cat, but didn't see her though. Kitty, if you're reading this. Get ready for fishspa !
I was about to say something, but i accidentally took the pic.
Later that evening, Arina went home with her dad & my mom sent Jesz to jetty. Had my dinner at KFC. OH FATS FATS.
Picture Of The Day.
Ya' know you love me.
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