Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quality time.

I'm grounded for 3 months, and the next month I'll be free again. booyeahhhh.

I begged my mom to take me out today, just a mother-son thingy. I am sick and tired and bored staying at home. So, she agreed to it cause' she wants to do a little shopping for herself. She wants to go to the new Jusco at Perda. So yeah, we went there. It was quite okay-lah for a mall in a small kampung area. While mom was looking at some pillows, came a person tapped my back hardly. I turned around & it was Iman ! Both of us were laughing at a corner and everybody was staring at us with their pathetic gloomy eyes. After that, me & mom headed to Hongkie Recipe for lunch. As you know, I am a great eater. So, I have to say the food was superb. You guys ought to see it for yourself. And then came a clown, to our table and gave me a pink teddy bear baloon. Well, thankyou mrClown.

And now, I'm just sitting while reading harper's bazaar. To study my fashion knowledge and spot some sizzling hot models.

L - R, Iman & the baloon.
till then,

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