Last year im sitting in 4K2 class. And this year, I got 5K1. Moved to the first class. But I dont really like it cause there's a bunch hooligans acting like some kind of phsyco path. Ekkk ! Trying to change my class tomorrow.
School's assembly, i got caught for my hair. I coloured my hair brown and it was very obvious even though i've cut it short. Mr Headmaster asked me to go home that instant to coloured my hair black. I thought i was about to be expelled cause a friend of mine just did.
-Was waiting at the busstop for a cab.
You can see the colour rright ?
So, what I did was took a taxi home. Costs me Frickin RM15 !
I had my private tutor just now. Indian dude, MR Raja. He'll be teaching me BM.BI.SC.M3.
Hope I'll get all A's for this subjects. He's okaay laa.
rrright, it's time for me to wash my hair now. It's been 45 minutes.
Tomorrow, my hair will be black. Un-naturally.
[ Inside profanity here ]
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