Saturday, December 6, 2008


I went out with my sister, Jesz at Sunway this evening.

Jesz & I.

Ate at some place called noodle station. Food was crap.

Bill was RM10+. So , she gave 50. And this genius bangla or nepal or god-knows-where-he's from cashier gave us back RM10. He charged us with the wrong bill from other table. Well, in the end he cleared it up and we paid 10. Nepal oh nepal oh nepal

This is the monyet. LOL

While we were walking thru parkson. I met a schoolmate of mine and a friend of my sister's friend. Wessley the monyet. LOL. Didn't recognize him at first, till I looked at his hair. Was poofy and orange-yy. Sorry yaa wess.

Mom gave jesz a lift to the jetty for her to go home.

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